2011年より DJ 活動を開始、まもなく楽曲制作を始める。
日本では All Genre Mix、ロシアでは Bass Music を主とする Electro をプレイなど world wide な活動を展開、その時期より本格的に Bass Music をプレイし始める。
Womb、Vision、Club asia など東京・渋谷様々なクラブで経験を積み、日本最大のドラムンベースパーティ “06S” に出演、様々なプロデューサーと共演をしてきた。
名古屋の有名クラブ ORCA、SANGO では、ジャンルレスな選曲で観客を沸かせる。Subudued Records 共同設立者でもある。
Starting his DJ activities in 2011, he soon started producing music.
He began to play bass music in earnest from that time and developed his activities world wide, playing all genre mix in Japan, and mainly electro and bass music in Russia.
Gaining experience in various clubs in Tokyo and Shibuya, he has appeared in “06S,” Japan’s largest drum and bass party, and has performed with various producers.
He is currently delighting audiences with a genreless music selection across Nagoya’s famous clubs, including ORCA and SANGO. He is also a co-founder of Subdued Records.